Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

AS Test



This is a blurb in normal style:

  1. This is the beginning of an ordered list.

  2. This is another item in the ordered list.

  3. And another one.

This is another normal paragraph.

  • This is the beginning of an unordered list.

  • This is another item in an unordered list.

    • This is a nested item within the unordered list.

    • These nested items are also unordered.

  • And another one.

Section 1

Indentation is pretty neat, especially when you have something like a quote or some other item to pull away from the main text you are writing. There are other ways of doing this of course:

For example, this is a quote!

Ready for something else?

Section Gold

Subsection 0

I felt like doing things out of order. I’m like that.

Never are the right justified.

And nothing belongs in the centre - except text.

To learn why, click here.

Subsection Z

And that’s it for the beginning.

Section B

Believe it or not, the sections above are text boxes joined together…

Section Awesome

…while these two elements are separate.

Solitary baseball.

Place something like text (or spacers!) right next to your images so you can easily fix the image next to something and make multiple columns. Like this!

Ratings of baseball teams

My personal opinion - not in line with sabermetrics!
  • "Accordions are useful when you want to toggle between hiding and showing large amount of content" - W3Schools

  • Yes, the accordion items are out of order. Remember to change the item titles...

  • Now this is actually Accordion Item 3!


In November 2024, we wrote a position statement to the Ministry of National Security on its proposed Correctional Services Policy.

Click here to view our position.