Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Foreign Policy



Foreign Policy

This page is for displaying our official positions on matters of foreign policy, as well as work done by the Foreign Policy Committee in general.


This section shows our foreign policy positions on countries that we consider to be a part of the Caribbean.

  • We are generally in solidarity with the Cuban Revolution, which currently holds state power in Cuba. We have made several statements to this effect:

    • January 2020: The Politburo denounced the blockade against Cuba and the brutal sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.

    • January 2021: The Politburo made a statement condemning the continued unjustified designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.

    • July 2022: The Politburo made a statement condemning foreign intervention and destabilisation attempts against Cuba. We mentioned the blockade that has been in place for over 60 years, as well as more recent efforts to undermine the Cuban Revolution.

  • We are constantly concerned with the political and economic situation in Haiti. We are opposed to foreign intervention, given the legacy of foreign intervention in destabilising Haiti.

    • October 12, 2022: Our Politburo passed an internal vote that declared “We oppose foreign intervention in or occupation of Haiti. We condemn the US and OAS, and we express disappointment with CARICOM and the UN.”

    • October 3, 2023: We co-signed a statement made by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) that denounced the UN Security Council’s approval of a plan to send a Kenyan-led mission to Haiti.

  • We are generally in solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution. We have consistently opposed foreign intervention in Venezuela.

    • February 2018: The Communications Committee expressed solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution and Venezuelan sovereignty, in the face of foreign intervention and other threats.

    • January 2020: The Politburo denounced the sanctions that the Trump administration imposed on Venezuela, and spoke about their impact on other countries in the region.

    • December 2023: The Foreign Policy Committee held a debate on the situation between Venezuela and Guyana, where tensions were being escalated by the activities of the US military and a specific foreign company which have both been overtly hostile to Venezuela. We expressed a desire for Venezuela and Guyana to have bilateral talks and to guarantee peace.

  • Guyana was the first Anglophone Caribbean country to become a republic. We are concerned about foreign threats to Guyanese sovereignty.

    • December 2023: The Foreign Policy Committee held a debate on the situation between Guyana and Venezuela, where tensions were being escalated by the increasing influence of a specific oil company and the US military on the Guyanese government. We looked at the history of other larger countries undermining Guyana’s sovereignty.

The Americas

This section shows our foreign policy positions on countries in ‘the Americas’ that are not considered to be a part of the Caribbean.

  • We admire Bolivia for the rapid pace of advancement that took place when a leftist indigenous movement took state power. We paid heavy attention to the situation in Bolivia during the illegitimate Áñez regime that existed from 2020 to 2021.

    • November 2, 2019: At a special international meeting in Cuba, our Chairman expressed concern about the Global North’s idea of addressing climate change and how it depends on exploiting Bolivia for lithium.

    • January 2020: Roughly 2 months following the coup in Bolivia, our Politburo issued a statement condemning the role of foreign intervention in Bolivia and other countries.

    • January 2021: We condemned the role of foreign intervention in encouraging terrorism in Bolivia.


This section shows our foreign policy positions on countries in Africa.

  • The DRC is one of the largest countries in Africa, well-known for its wealth of resources. Its people have endured a brutal history of colonial exploitation and continue to undergo neo-colonial exploitation today. We are concerned about the impact of foreign interests in the DRC’s resources:

    • November 2, 2019: At a special international meeting in Cuba, our Chairman expressed concern about the Global North’s idea of addressing climate change and how it depends on exploiting the DRC for rare earth metals.

Western Asia

This section shows our foreign policy positions on countries in Western Asia.

  • We support the Palestinian national liberation struggle for self-determination and against colonial occupation. We have made several statements concerning Palestine:

    • December 2017: Our Communications Committee condemned the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist occupation. We also condemned the government of Jamaica for deepening ties with the Zionist occupation.

    • May 2021: Our Communications Committee condemned the genocidal nature of the Zionist occupation and reaffirmed our solidarity with Palestine.

    • October 2023: As a constituent organisation in the International Peoples Assembly, we co-signed a “Statement in Solidarity with Palestine and in Rejection of the Zionist Massacre in Gaza”.

    • November 2023: Following a successful demonstration where we took to the streets, we marked the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. With this, we reaffirmed our solidarity with Palestine.

  • In January 2021, we condemned the designation of Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism.