Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Mona Cadre



Mona Cadre

The Mona Cadre used to be the entirety of LANDS. Our unit has met continuously since November 2016. Other units were created to accommodate persons who preferred to meet in other places or at different times.

Though we are the most active in-person unit, we were temporarily based online during the height of the pandemic; for this reason, we caucused with the online-based units in the All-Units Bloc rather than joining the geography-based units in the Territorial Bloc. We phased out of online meetings by first holding hybrid meetings where some of us met in person and allowed others to join by a group video call. Recently, we fully returned to in-person meetings.

Former leaders of our unit left to form other units, namely St. Catherine At-Large, Northern Jamaica At-Large, and Europe At-Large. 2 former members of our unit went on to lead other units as well.