Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism
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Organisation accounts for the bulk of the work done by LANDS, and it is crucial in keeping the movement together. It involves recruiting persons to the movement, helping groups to keep themselves organised, fostering cohesion among the different groups, and facilitating communication between the network of groups and the executive.

This work is coordinated by our Organisation Committee, which is made up of the leader of each group and led by the Secretary of Organisation. The committee is responsible for ensuring that the different groups in the movement comply to certain standards. The point of the standards is to ensure both the effective functioning of each group internally and the cohesion that the groups have among each other. When there is a problem emerging in any group, the members of the Organisation Committee offer technical help or carry out necessary interventions to get the group back on track.

The goal of our organising model is simple: everyone in the movement should be on the same page as each other as much as possible. To do this, each individual belongs to a group and simply needs to touch base with other individuals in their group through meetings or check-ins. Each group has a leader who is responsible for touching base with the leader of each other group. Being on the same page does not mean that we must agree on every matter, but we must at least know where each other stands so that we can know what to expect from each other; the more we do this is the more interconnected and organised we can say we are.


Groups may form blocs within the movement. This allows the groups to have stronger relations with other groups that are most similar to them.


The groups within LANDS are called units. They are the base of the movement. All other aspects of the organisation sprout from the base of the movement. If you are not involved in a unit, you cannot be involved in any other part of LANDS.

This section of the website is still in development. It will be updated with links to material on our specific organising model, help with how to organise in general, and information on the different groups within LANDS.